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Real-time psychophysiological approaches to explore emotional and cognitive processing of VR-mediated sports

Minkyo Lee (Department of Sport Management, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, USA)
Xiaochen Zhou (Department of Sport Management, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, USA)

International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship

ISSN: 1464-6668

Article publication date: 5 December 2023




The purpose of this research was to investigate how VR-mediated sports, as opposed to 2-D screens, affect the emotional and cognitive experiences of fans with the game and its sponsors.


The current study employed a single-factorial experimental design, in which participants were randomly assigned to either watch a soccer game through a VR headset or a 2-D screen. Physiological and self-reported measures were used to measure levels of presence, arousal, attention and memory.


Participants who watched sports through VR experienced a higher level of presence, greater psychophysiological arousal, and exhibited higher levels of attention toward the game. However, they showed lower recognition for in-stadium signage compared to those who watched the game on a 2-D screen.

Practical implications

The results suggest that sports teams can use VR to create a more immersive and engaging experience for fans. Additionally, in-stadium signage advertising may not be as effective in VR sport broadcasting contexts, and sports practitioners may want to explore alternative forms of advertising that are better suited for VR environments.


Methodologically, this study used a combination of self-reported and real-time physiological measures to capture dynamic and spontaneous changes in fans while watching games. Theoretically, this study utilized the Dynamic Human-Centered Communication System Theory to adopt a human-centered approach to understand how VR impacts the experience of sport game viewers.



This research is suppported by the Faculty Professional Development Council (FPDC), Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), Pennsylvania.

Since submission of this article, the following author(s) have updated their affiliation(s): Minkyo Lee is currently at the Department of Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education, Intercollegiate and Professional Sport Management Program, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.


Lee, M. and Zhou, X. (2023), "Real-time psychophysiological approaches to explore emotional and cognitive processing of VR-mediated sports", International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.



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