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PC vs App vs Mweb: price discounts’ effect on customer purchases across digital channels in China

Huan Liu (School of Economics and Management, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
Shuman Zheng (Business Department, Nankai University, Tianjin, China)
Dongjin Li (Nankai University, Tianjin, China)

Nankai Business Review International

ISSN: 2040-8749

Article publication date: 28 March 2023

Issue publication date: 14 June 2024




Product discounts have been widely applied in digital commerce as a method to attract and retain customers to purchase in China. Given that digital channels differ in their attributes, customers may behave differently when they respond to the same discount across channels. However, little attention has been paid to explore the heterogeneity of customer responses to discounts across channels. This study aims to fill in the gap by exploring how customers’ purchase responses to price discounts differ across digital channels.


This study applies a Poisson regression to an unbalanced data set of purchasing history from Chinese footwear brands with 3,510 customers in a two-year time window across the three digital channels (i.e. personal computer [PC], app and mobile website), with a correction for endogeneity by using the Gaussian copula method.


This paper finds that price discounts have the strongest positive effect on consumers’ purchase volumes on the PC channel, followed by the app channel, while discounts show the weakest impact in the mobile website channel. By so, this paper demonstrates that customers respond differently to online and mobile channels, and they also respond differently within mobile channels when they purchase products with price discounts.


This study is original in analyzing the difference in customers’ discount responses across digital channels, offering valuable contributions to existing research on multichannel marketing as well as mobile marketing and providing helpful insights for multichannel merchants to design digital discount strategies.



Corrigendum: It has come to the attention of the publisher that the first author of article: Liu, H., Zheng, S. and Li, D. (2023), “PC vs App vs Mweb: price discounts’ effect on customer purchases across digital channels in China”, Nankai Business Review International, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. did not accurately update their affiliation details on article submission. The author’s affiliation was incorrectly listed as School of Economics and Management, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

Our guidelines make it clear that affiliation details must be accurate at the time of article submission, as affiliations should be accurate to where the research was conducted.

The affiliation of Huan Liu has been changed to Nankai University, Tianjin, China.


Liu, H., Zheng, S. and Li, D. (2024), "PC vs App vs Mweb: price discounts’ effect on customer purchases across digital channels in China", Nankai Business Review International, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 377-389.



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