Nutrition & Food Science: Volume 95 Issue 5


Table of contents

Boosting better break‐times for children: an inspiring start

Michelle McKinley, Michele Oliver, Margaret Livingston

Eating habits are changing, and snacking or “grazing”is on the increase, especially among children. Most of the convenient,pre‐packaged snack foods such as fizzy drinks…


Gas chromatography in food analysis: an introduction

Kathy Holley, Mark Pennington, Paul Phillips

Introduces gas chromatography (GC) a key analytical technique inthe food industry. It enables complex organic substances to be separatedand identified quickly and cheaply…


Towards a leaner kitchen

Rob Silverstone

With one‐third of food now consumed outside the home, it isimportant for caterers to adapt their techniques in order to accommodatedietary advice on fat reduction. Considers how…


Selenium in the environment, food and health

L.H. Foster, S. Sumar

Describes the importance of selenium (Se) for human health.Outlines the sources of Se in the environment and food. Gives UKrecommended intakes. Calls for further research into the…


Visual cues and their effects on odour assessment

Louise Blackwell

Describes how 48 subjects participated in experiments toinvestigate the effect of visual cues in identifying odours. Thesubjects were first instructed to describe the odour of six…


Statistics for food science II: chemical analysis data

John A. Bower

Introduces some simple statistics employed in analysing chemicalanalysis data. Describes measures of precision and accuracy and how theuse of confidence intervals and…


Breakfast cereals

Kathryn Webster

A survey of a small sample of children in a state comprehensiveschool indicates that most children have an inadequate breakfast beforestarting school. However, most children…

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  • Dr Vijay Ganji