Journal of Economic Studies: Volume 32 Issue 5


Table of contents

Contribution, attribution and the assignment of intellectual property rights in economics

Franklin G. Mixon, W. Charles Sawyer

Within the area of economics, the value attached to highly‐ranked journal publications, such as the American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy and Quarterly Journal of


The endogeneity of optimum currency area criteria – lessons from history for European monetary union

François Mann‐Quirici

Assesses whether the current pattern of relative wage rigidity and labour inertia in Europe is a problematic factor in the successful functioning of the European monetary union as…


Determinants of regional growth disparity in China's transitional economy

Chien‐Hsun Chen, Hsiu‐Ling Wu

This study undertakes empirical analysis of the factors that have influenced economic growth in China's provinces during the process of institutional transformation, and to…


Wage pacts and economic growth

Martin Zagler

The purpose of this paper is to theoretically investigate the impact of wage pacts on economic growth.


Eliminating undeclared work: beyond a deterrence approach

Colin C. Williams, Jan Windebank

To evaluate critically the view of undeclared work as market‐like activity conducted for monetary gain, and participation as a rational economic decision, and the resultant public…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee