Journal of Economic Studies: Volume 49 Issue 7


Table of contents

Social welfare and bank performance: evidence from a stochastic neural hybrid MCDM approach

Andrew Maredza, Peter Wanke, Jorge Antunes, Roberto Pimenta, Yong Tan

This paper investigates the endogenous relationships between banking performance and social welfare in Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries.

A non-parametric framework for evaluating governance–efficiency–productivity associations in commercial banking

Navendu Prakash, Shveta Singh, Seema Sharma

Against the backdrop of an Indian banking sector that finds itself entangled in the triple deadlock of increasing competition, technological changes and strict regulatory…

Governance thresholds and the human capital–growth nexus

Nicholas Apergis, Ghulam Mustafa, Muhammad Khan

The literature that explores the relationship between human capital and economic growth has produced mixed results. It highlights the puzzle on the correlations between human…

A cross-country analysis of the relationship between human capital and foreign direct investment

Madhvi Sethi, Saina Baby, Aarti Mehta Sharma

The Zhang–Markusen (Z-M) inverse U-shape theory uses education as a human capital variable to investigate the impact of educational attainment on foreign direct investment (FDI…

Real exchange rate synchronization in the NAFTA region

Hamid Baghestani

The literature mostly investigates the impact of trade and financial integration on business cycle synchronization. The author differs by focusing on the real effective exchange…

Labor supply responses to income tax free and bracket expansions

Panayiota Lyssiotou, Elena Savva

An important concern of economic policy analysis is how income taxes affect labor supply since this is crucial in assessing the efficiency costs of taxation and designing labor…

The mechanisms linking the finance-growth relationship in view of the financial crisis: an empirical investigation of the EU countries

Dimitrios Asteriou, Konstantinos Spanos

The paper aims to explore the mechanisms linking the impact of financial development on economic growth and focuses on the long-term post-global financial crisis.

An empirical analysis of human trafficking in an era of globalization

Yselle Flora Kuete Malah, Simplice Asongu

The paper explores the dark side of economic openness by examining empirically the nexus between the globalization process and human trafficking. Specifically, it is about showing…


Corn trade simulations of China: reduction in tariffs versus expansion in tariff-rate quotas

Kai Liu, Masato Yamazaki, Atsushi Koike, Yueying Mu

Corn, which has the highest domestic production, planting area and consumption, is the top cereal in relation to demand and supply in China. However, the comparative advantage of…

Tornadoes, poverty and race in the USA: A five-decade analysis

Russ D. Kashian, Tracy Buchman, Robert Drago

The study aims to analyze the roles of poverty and African American status in terms of vulnerability to tornado damages and barriers to recovery afterward.

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  • Prof Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee