International Journal of Public Sector Management: Volume 11 Issue 5


Table of contents

Public sector quality: political project or legitimate goal?

Andrew Erridge, Ruth Fee, John McIlroy

Are quality initiatives in the public sector part of a political project or can they be a legitimate goal? These contrasting, but not necessarily incompatible, interpretations…


Welfare benefits and the customer: a longitudinal perspective

Bruce Stafford

In the UK the Benefits Agency is seeking to process its business more efficiently, and commissioned research to investigate the number and nature of the contacts customers have…


Using a group support system to support client assessment

Martin Read, Tony Gear, Rune Devold

The paper describes the application of a group decision support system (GDSS) to the work of a panel of public sector workers assessing the needs of clients for various forms of…


Delivering primary education in Bangladesh: Enabling the field personnel

Syed Saad Andaleeb

To transform the population of Bangladesh into a more literate and numerate group so that higher‐order nation building objectives can be attained, primary education has a vital…

The impact of strategic procurement in the UK government sector

Michael Quayle

The impact of strategic procurement is driven by the contribution of the function to overall corporate performance and its interface relationships. The actual impact on corporate…


Urban redevelopment in Hong Kong: The partnership experience

Isaac Ng

Outlines the urban redevelopment of Hong Kong from the early 1900s to the present day. Obstacles such as: absentee ownership, compensation to owners, resettlement of tenants…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Rocco Palumbo