International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research: Volume 14 Issue 5


Table of contents - Special Issue: Challenging tensions: critical theoretical and empirical perspectives on social enterprise

Guest Editors: Michael Bull

Challenging tensions: critical, theoretical and empirical perspectives on social enterprise

Michael Bull

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the special issue, which explores the concept and significance of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship internationally.


Finding that grit makes a pearl: A critical re‐reading of research into social enterprise

Tim Curtis

The paper seeks to explore the implications of a critical approach to theory and method in the study of social enterprises and social entrepreneurship.


Social enterprise as a socially rational business

Rory Ridley‐Duff

This paper seeks to examine the discourses that influence policy and practice in social enterprises. In institutional circles, arguments are shaped by the desire to protect assets…


Entrepreneurial energy: Associative entrepreneurship in the renewable energy sector in Wales

Molly Scott Cato, Len Arthur, Tom Keenoy, Russell Smith

The central suggestion of this paper is that innovation in the concept of entrepreneurship is overdue and that the concept of entrepreneurship needs to be extended to accommodate…


Narrative construction of the social entrepreneurial identity

Robert Jones, James Latham, Michela Betta

This paper aims to examine the process by which the social entrepreneurial identity can be constructed through narrative, concentrating specifically on the construction of the…


Social entrepreneurship in South Africa: Delineating the construct with associated skills

Boris Urban

Various theoretical issues and debates were investigated in order to measure quantitatively social entrepreneurship (SE) activity (SEA), together with the different skills…

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  • Prof Paul Jones