International Journal of Managing Projects in Business: Volume 3 Issue 3


Table of contents

The X model – a tool for describing and assessing individual projects

Erling S. Andersen

The purpose of this paper is to present the X model, which is an inputs – processes – outputs (IPO) model well suited to describing and assessing individual projects. It argues…


The importance of soft skills in complex projects

Syed Azim, Andy Gale, Therese Lawlor‐Wright, Richard Kirkham, Ali Khan, Mehmood Alam

The purpose of this paper is to facilitate further understanding of project complexity by highlighting the factors contributing to project complexity as reported by the…


Good and simple – a dilemma in analytical processes?

Ole Jonny Klakegg, Olav Torp, Kjell Austeng

The purpose of this paper is to describe the transfer of experiences to improve the basis for overcoming the dilemma of trying to achieve analyses and systems that are both good…

Bridging strategic and operational issues for project business through managing trust

Magnus Gustafsson, Hedley Smyth, Elena Ganskau, Tomas Arhippainen

Organisational trust is analysed through observation of operations or strategic prescription. The management and project management literature is largely prescriptive. The purpose…


The cultural heterogeny of project firms and project teams

Francesca Auch, Hedley Smyth

The purpose this paper is to examine a prevailing assumption that the culture of organisations is homogenous. It explores the culture of one project organisation with multiple…


Flexibility in contract terms and contracting processes

Soili Nystén‐Haarala, Nari Lee, Jukka Lehto

New business models, such as life‐cycle contracting, challenge the narrow and static understanding of contracts with hard and precise terms. The aim of this paper is to examine…


The integration of human relationships in capital development projects: A case study of BSF scheme

Doubra Henry Ndoni, Taha M.S. Elhag

Recent work on public private partnerships (PPP)/private finance initiatives (PFI) and on the construction industry has emphasised the importance of knowledge transfer, learning…

The importance of human skills in project management professional development

M. Alam, A. Gale, M. Brown, A.I. Khan

The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into the importance of human skills in project management success and the apparent emphasis placed on this within the context of…


Enhancing creative knowledge‐work: challenges and points of leverage

Tua A. Björklund

The purpose of this paper is to explore critical success factors in knowledge‐intensive creative project work, using product development as an example field.


Coping with an unexpected event: Project managers' contrasting sensemaking in a stakeholder conflict in China

Sampo Tukiainen, Kirsi Aaltonen, Mervi Murtonen

The purpose of this paper is to examine the sensemaking processes leading to project managers' responses to an unexpected event in an international project setting. High…

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  • Prof Nathalie Drouin