Safer Communities: Volume 8 Issue 3


A journal on crime, crime prevention and community safety

Table of contents

Do the right thing: the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report 10 years on

Kevin Wong

The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report was published in 1999. This article reviews the impact of the Report on agency responses to racially motivated crime and hate crime over the…


The position of young people in community safety: a search for possible explanations

Diederik Cops

In the rhetoric and practice of community safety a paradox can be identified: despite the rhetoric of inclusivity and active citizenship, it appears that the views and interests…

From reducing fear to improving community confidence — a change of emphasis for practitioners

Stuart Kirby, Ian McPherson

Although the ‘fear of crime’ has generated significant academic interest, the lack of clarity concerning definition, prevalence and concentration has generated difficulties for…

The future of regulation in public services

Simon Harding

This article describes the new Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) and considers how it will impact on crime and disorder reduction partnerships. The new approach will consist of…

Your country needs you! The economic viability of volunteers in the police

James Gravelle, Colin Rogers

During the global economic downturn, those involved in the delivery of community safety and crime and disorder reduction must consider the economics of attempting to achieve their…

Peer panels: an innovative approach to restorative justice?

Laura Heywood, Graham Smyth

Adverse peer pressure is a long‐established contributing factor in the explanation for youth crime. There is also some evidence that positive peer influence is capable of having…

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  • Timi Osidipe