Safer Communities: Volume 9 Issue 2


A journal on crime, crime prevention and community safety

Table of contents

‘The world is out to get me, bruv’: life after school ‘exclusion’

Daniel Briggs

Increasingly, punitive policies on ‘poblematic’ pupils are implemented in poor‐performing UK urban state schools. While some are permanently excluded and referred to local…

Crime and justice after the election: what are the parties proposing?

Frank Warburton

With a general election due shortly, this article sets out the main platforms of the three main political parties and discusses some of the central proposals and their…

Security in new dwellings

Robert Greaves

Purchasers of new or newly refurbished dwellings may think that the home they are buying or renting could be expected to offer a defined level of resistance to entry by…


A problemsolving approach to neighbourhood policing — the Camden model

Anthony Lewis, Pat Coulson

This article outlines the problem‐solving approach used by the Partnership Information Unit in Camden to direct and evaluate its local neighborhood policing initiatives. It…

Using social media as a means of improving public confidence

Gary Copitch, Chris Fox

The ‘confidence agenda’ poses important new challenges for crime and disorder reduction partnerships in general and the police in particular. To date, the police have made only…

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  • Timi Osidipe